The Viscount Who Loved Me, the second novel in the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn, focuses on Anthony Bridgerton going from London’s most notorious bachelor to a man ready for marriage. Speaking as someone who loved the romance in The Duke and I and was skeptical if this story would meet my expectations, I have one thing to say: this romance does not disappoint.
Set during the Regency Era, Lady Whistledown’s column continues to narrate this novel and reveal intimate details of the lives of the elite in London. One thing even Lady Whsitledown couldn’t have predicted was that Anthony Bridgerton would be ready to settle down in a marriage — much less that he had already chosen a prospective bride, Edwina Sheffield. However, Anthony’s choice for bride does not come without complications — and the main complication’s name is Kate Sheffield, Edwina’s older sister. Edwina has publicly stated that she refuses to marry anyone without her older sister’s approval, something that’s going to prove a great difficulty for Anthony, who is notorious for being a rake in society. The chemistry amongst Anthony and Kate Sheffield is undeniable — this haunts his every thought. The story navigates through Anthony attempting to sort through his emotions and whether or not he has chosen to court the right Sheffield. Will Anthony find love, or will his chemistry with Kate ruin everything?
I’ll be the first to admit that enemies to lovers is one of my favorite literary tropes, but I had never encountered a historical take on the trope. This has quickly become one of my favorite novels, and the romance that develops throughout the story had a way that captivated me until the very end. This is a story that will leave you wanting more — so much more that Julia Quinn added a second epilogue to the end of the novel. Even after finishing the second epilogue, I was left craving more of this romance — the writing within this novel is that powerful.
By Rylee Petty, Staff Writer