As of this year, there are approximately 100 active clubs operating on Meredith's campus. In an effort to better know the organizations across campus, The Meredith Herald included several student organizations to spotlight and provide a chance to share information about what they are and what they do.
Allyson Bell, the president of Meredith College Democrats, shared a few things with The Herald about the club she represents. You may have seen posters for MC Dems events around campus, as they’ve been able to host an event every month this year ranging from voter registration drives to guest speaker discussions with representatives like Jane Harrison, according to Bell. Bell also shared that, last month, members from MC Dems represented Meredith at the Young Democrats of North Carolina convention, where they had the opportunity to speak to officials like Gov. Roy Cooper, Josh Stein and Anderson Clayton. This month, MC Dems canvassed with Neighbors on Call for Evonne Hopkins and NC Rep. Terence Everitt in Wake Forest. For their last event this year, they plan on hosting a game night. When asked if there was anything they’d like students to know about their club, Bell stated that “Meredith Dems wants students to know they're always welcome to join in on activities and attend [the club’s] events.” Bell added that the goal of MC Dems is to “be a safe environment for students interested in democratic policy and bring educational events to campus for all students.”
Another organization, Artists Alliance, is led by Perla Casiano-Pineda, ‘26. This organization is a part of the art department, but students aren’t required to be an art major in order to be a member or participate in events. The main event that Artists Alliance organizes is the Annual Holiday Art Sale. This event happens every fall semester and allows students to buy and sell art made by members of the Meredith community. When asked what this organization achieves on campus, Casiano-Pineda responded, “Our club allows students to learn about new mediums that they may have not known about. I think many people think that art involves painting, drawing, coloring, etc. Art has a bigger range of mediums including printmaking, ceramics, weaving, embroidery, photography, graphic design, and much more.” Keep an eye out for Artists Alliance at Daisy Fest on May 1, where they will be providing materials for students to do origami and paper weaving.
The Black Student Union (BSU) is another organization on campus that hosts a number of events. Last year, the BSU assisted in the De-Lux Brunches, which provided a space to look into the history of Meredith College. This year, they hosted a speaker series for Black History Month where speakers were invited to talk about their field, like Lilian Danieli, who spoke about being a woman entrepreneur. The BSU’s co-president Destiny Calvin stated that the BSU is meant to, “promote Black/African American culture and establish a sense of belonging and community on campus.” BSU events are open to all students who would like to learn and support the organization. To stay connected with the BSU and to be notified of upcoming events, follow their Instagram @meredithbsu.
An organization many students will recognize is the Resident Housing Association (RHA). Last semester RHA hosted a Winter Wonderland pancake event and a trick or treat event in the Oaks. RHA chair Mallory Nobles ’24 told The Herald that “RHA strives to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and vocational development of students.” This semester RHA is also hosting a new LDOC event called Daisy Fest. Nobles stated that, “Daisy Fest is our new activity to wrap up the academic year, bringing together students, faculty, and staff for an afternoon filled with carnival activities, music, and delicious food. This year, we want to make it even more memorable by setting up engaging booths that showcase our community spirit and creativity!”
The Colton Review is Meredith’s art and literature journal. Their president Tamara Bomparte ‘24 summarized the clubs activities by saying, “Every year, our editorial team gathers prose and poetry from the Meredith community and works with authors to edit and publish their pieces in our annual journal. We also collaborate with the design team, who receives art submissions from students and designs the layout of our journal.” In addition to producing the journal every year the Colton Review also hosts events like open mics nights, and in the past has done a Halloween themed social in October. The publication accepts submissions from all Meredith students, regardless of major.
A STEM related club on campus is the American Chemical Society. Their president Kate Erb ‘24 described the club as “[seeking] to encourage a passion for chemistry and help students explore their academic interests.” While being a STEM-based club, they accept members from all majors. They have hosted various professional development events such as research student internship panels and visits from graduate school representatives. They also have fun events such as chemistry demonstrations and celebrations of chemistry related holidays, like Periodic Table Day. Around LDOC they hold an event where they make ice cream using liquid nitrogen, which is safe to eat! To receive updates on ACS you can follow their Instagram page, @meredithcollege_acs.
The Muslim Student Association led by Aiman Jamadar ‘24 is “a club that serves to provide a community on campus for muslim students to come together and find a sense of belonging and community. It also serves as a great way for all students on campus to learn more about the Islamic Faith, religious practices and the unique experiences of each person on campus.” In the past they have hosted events like the Cultural Potluck Picnic and awareness tables like a Hijab Day booth and a Palestine Human Rights Crisis Info Table. MSA also receives shipments of August pads and tampons to stock bathrooms on campus with accessible menstrual products. An upcoming event of theirs, in collaboration with the Meredith International Association, is Ramadan Iftar. This event is a great opportunity for students to learn about the purpose of Ramadan and different ways it is celebrated.
By Liese Devine, Features Editor