Five new clubs were started this semester, including the Meredith Hospitality and Tourism Management Club, the Meredith Student Veterans Association, the National Art Education Association Student Chapter, SummitCollege and the Meredith Media Association. Currently, Meredith has over 100 clubs and organizations for students to get involved with on campus. Information about these new clubs, their purposes and their meeting times and locations are detailed below. In addition, this information can be found on MC Connect.
Hospitality and Tourism Management Club
Rebekah Lakey is the president of Meredith’s new Hospitality and Tourism Management Club, which focuses on organizing various events on campus and within the community. This club hopes to “serve and set an example of Meredith’s unique flavor of southern hospitality.” The Hospitality and Tourism Management Club meets in Harris 110 but according to MC Connect, meeting times are yet to be determined. Lakey can be reached at and club activities can be followed on their Instagram, @mchostourism.
Student Veterans Association (MSVA)
MSVA is a club meant to encourage camaraderie and support among students and faculty who are active-duty, retired or family members of those in the military. This club plans to promote education and advocacy as well as sponsor missions and events on campus and within the community. MSVA meets on the first Wednesday of every month over Zoom. If you would like to know more, reach out to MSVA’s president, Alexis Kester, at
National Art Education Association Student Chapter (NAEA)
Meredith’s NAEA Student Chapter is open to all majors and promotes appreciation of the visual arts through conference presentations, expos and workshops. Kaitlyn Barlow is the president of NAEA and can be reached for more information at NAEA meets at 10 a.m. once a month in Gaddy Hamrick 206. You can follow NAEA on their Instagram, @naea_mereco.
Ashley Grant is the president of SummitCollege at Meredith. This Christian organization’s purpose is described as a way to “create disciple-making disciples” at Meredith and around the globe. SummitCollege meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. For more information, reach out to Grant at or follow the club’s Instagram, @summit_college.
Meredith Media Association
Meredith Media Association is a faculty-led organization that encourages students to produce different types of media. This organization is housed in the Communication Department but is open to all majors. Professor Alan Buck is the advisor for the Meredith Media Association and can be reached for more information at
By Ally Cefalu, A&E Editor