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Weekly Sports Wrap-Up: Softball and Tennis Begin Seasons

Mia Russell

8 students pose on the tennis court
The 2021-22 tennis team; photo courtesy of Meredith Athletics

Feb. 19: Tennis match against Randolph-Macon College

The tennis team started off their season with a loss to Randolph-Macon College and a final score of 3-6.

Feb. 19: Softball game against Virginia Wesleyan University

The Meredith softball team played a doubleheader against Virginia Wesleyan and lost both games with final scores of 9-12 and 1-9. These were softball’s first games of the season. Senior Emily Velazquez scored two runs and was at bat four times. Mia Staggs had two runs and was at bat twice. Madison Hamilton had one run and bat four times. Sarah Manis had one run and was up to bat four times. Savannah Talley had one run and was at bat four times. Senior Anna Goldman had one run and was up to bat three times. Alyssa Drake and Susanne Taylor were both up to bat four times. Jessie Woller went to bat three times. Fallon Wimberly batted once. Victoria Negron scored one run. Sarah Gundlach, ‘22, and Alexa Daniel were the pitchers of the first game.

In the second game, Staggs scored one run and was at bat three times. Drake batted three times. Manis, Taylor Walker and Laura Tobin batted twice. Goldman, Rheanne Burden, Taylor, Kendall Johnson, Hamilton, Fallon Wimberly and Negron all batted once each. Danielle Hunt, Hannah Weigle and Brie Caldwell were the pitchers for the second game.

Feb. 20: Softball game against Guilford College

The Avenging Angels played against the Guilford Quakers and finished them off with a double header win in both games with final scores of 6-5. In the first game, Manis scored two runs and was up to bat four times. Staggs scored two runs and was up to bat twice. Drake and Goldman both scored one run each and were both up to bat three times. Talley, Velazquez, Woller and Hamilton all were up to bat three times. Susanne Taylor was at bat twice. Gundlach, Weigle andWimberly were the pitchers for this game.

For the second game, Drake scored two runs and batted three times. Goldman, Taylor and Woller all scored one run and batted three times. Hamilton scored one run and batted twice. Manis batted four times. Staggs and Tobin each batted three times. Walker batted twice. Hunt pitched for the second game.

Softball plays in the Grand Slam Triangle Classic at Walnut Creek in Raleigh, NC on Feb. 26 against Georgia Wesleyan and Susquehanna University.

Feb. 20: Tennis match against Johnson and Wales University

The tennis team won their first game of the season with a score of 9-0 against Johnson and Wales University.

By Mia Russell, Staff Writer

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